Thursday, July 15, 2010

Baked Fries Recipe

Baked not Fried!

Trust me, these taste as good as the fried stuff but so much better for you and your family! I love simple dimple recipes - ways to prepare good healthy food for your family in the simplest way. Hey, when you're preparing A-Z plus washing up - simple is the way to go ;)

Baked Fries Recipe
3-4 medium sized yellow potatoes - skinned and cut into thick fries
Hot water
Olive oil

1. Bring to boil a pot of water. Add a tsp of salt.
2. Add the cut potatoes. Boil the potatoes till they are just about tender. Don't overboil them if not they will be mushy fries!! 
3. Drain the potatoes in a colander. Sprinkle paprika over the potatoes and drizzle olive oil over the potatoes as well.
4. Give the potatoes a good shake in the colander and pour them into a lined pan.
5. Put in a pre-heated oven 180C for about 30mins or until the fries are nicely browned.
6. Enjoy this side dish with grilled fish and a side of steamed veg!

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