Friday, April 23, 2010

Hair Art

N had her first Ballet Exam this week and this mommy was tasked to put all her hair up in a neat bun. Did I say all? Yes, all strands of hair to be in place. Including those little fine baby hair that just flit and fly every which way. Boy, I was stressed! Her ballet teacher, bless her, said just use a lot of gel and hairspray. Maybe put in a few braids as single buns are too traditional. With N's hair being just shoulder length, do you see why I was stressed? How do you put her hair up in a bun when you can barely twist it once around?? So I went out to buy an arsenal of black bobby pins, gator clips and a hair net and went surfing to figure it out :)

Here's the result!

Her teacher added the cute little pink bows to go with her leotard. Not bad for an amateur? :) Notice those little hairs are sticking out...this picture was taken after her exam and changing out of her clothes. They were a lot more in place during the exam, thanks to super strong hair art gel and hairspray (double dose thanks to her teacher) 

I learnt how to do the corkscrew twist braid here and got my eye candy inspiration from here. O my, if you have girls and they have long hair, there are SO MANY ways to do their hair! How blessed it is to have two of them :)


  1. Looks lovely, however Eva is such a tomboy that my hair braiding days are years away. :)

    She doesn't even like a clip in her hair!

  2. So pweety...daughters are like dolls aren't they? Except that they are real life? :p

    Sharon...try putting clips and braiding your hair, I'm sure she'll be begging you to put some in hers! *wink*

  3. hehe, Sharon I am CERTaiN she will make the switch soon. K was like that too...hated anything in her hair. Then she started noticing N's pretty clips, hairbands, etc and very soon she was "begging" for some of her own :)


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